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Wilkinsburg & South Side Secure Loans from Landmarks

January 19 , 2005

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation has recently invested in the
Wilkinsburg area with a low-interest loan in the amount of $68,000 to the
Black Vietnam Veterans Era, Inc., for a heating system in their building at
1027 Wood Street.

A preservation loan in the amount of $250,000 was made to South Side Local
Development Company to assist in the acquisition of the old Foto Hut
building on 1505 East Carson Street. SSLDC in association with TREK
Development, plans to renovate this structure with office/commercial use on
the ground floor with housing above.

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633