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Thank You Summer Interns

PHLF staff thanks Katelyn Schoenike (College of Wooster, archaeology), Luis Espinoza-Delgado (Harvard University, economics), and Jolene Byford (University of Texas, architecture and architectural engineering) for their volunteer assistance this summer. They assisted with educational programs, tours, and publications, among many other activities. The following comments from the interns summarize their experiences:

  • My internship at PHLF has been full of many experiences that have taught me to not only appreciate the City of Pittsburgh for its great history and evolution but has also emphasized the importance of preserving and reusing the history within the city. As a future archaeologist studying at the College of Wooster, I focus on recreating history from ruins and destruction. PHLF has expanded this thought process to have a larger meaning by not only recreating the ruins, but also preserving the history that currently stands before us. This lesson has only given my passion greater meaning and importance that I will carry with me throughout my career. ––Katelyn Schoenike
  • I am very fortunate to have worked with PHLF. This organization has not only stimulated a greater personal awareness of Pittsburgh’s rich history and sharpened my research skills in archival and real estate work, but it has also ingrained in me a message that drives PHLF’s efforts—preservation creates a better quality of life for all. ––Luis Espinoza-Delgado
  • My internship this summer has been a great experience. I’ve really enjoyed helping with the tours and watching both children and adults express a desire to learn about Pittsburgh’s wonderful history. It has also been fun helping with the high school programs I was once involved in. I hope I am able to spark the interest of more students in architecture and preservation. I have loved those subjects since a very young age.  ––Jolene Byford


Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633