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Thank You PHLF Summer Interns

Simone D'Rosa, Sarah Collins, Molly Soffietti, and Andrew Hyatt; PHLF Summer 2015 Interns

Simone D’Rosa, Sarah Collins, Molly Soffietti, and Andrew Hyatt; PHLF Summer 2015 Interns

“This summer, we were fortunate to have the help of Simone D’Rosa, Sarah Collins, Molly Soffietti, and Andrew Hyatt,” said PHLF Executive Director Louise Sturgess. We are grateful to them for volunteering their time to help with our Poetry and Art programs, Downtown’s Best, and Free Friday Walking Tours.

In addition, Andrew created a presentation on National Historic Landmarks; Simone and Sarah researched places associated with Pittsburgh Mayors and created an interactive map, and Molly researched and created tour content for our October Free Friday Walking Tour in the Gateway Center Renaissance Historic District. They also attended various preservation events and helped prepare materials for our Fall Architectural Design Challenge and Apprenticeship Program.

“Funding support from the BNY Mellon Foundation of Southwestern Pennsylvania is helping underwrite PHLF’s internship program in 2015, along with other career-based educational programs,” said Louise.

Intern Reflections

“Even though I have lived in Pittsburgh for most of my life, I had never felt the need to find out more about this city. I was often more enticed by foreign cities such as London and Paris. In a sense, I took Pittsburgh for granted. I learned more about Pittsburgh during this internship than I ever expected to and I am so glad that I did. By helping out with education programs that taught kids how to connect to their surrounding environment, I, too, learned a great deal about this city. I furthered my knowledge of the city when I was able to research the history of the Pittsburgh mayors. Thank you for this opportunity!” ––Simone D’Rosa (Architectural Studies/Preservation & Studio Arts, University of Pittsburgh)

“As a volunteer intern for PHLF, I was able to share my love for the city with people of all ages. I had the pleasure of working with some of the most dedicated individuals who share a passion for Pittsburgh’s past and a vision for Pittsburgh’s future.” ––Sarah Collins (Strategic Communications, Elon University)

“One often loses sight of the big picture while working towards a Master’s and toiling away in a lab all day. Every day PHLF encouraged me to explore Pittsburgh and rediscover why I am passionate about preserving our city, warts and all. Engaging with tour groups, both young and old, reinvigorated my enthusiasm and made me even prouder to display the city as both a thriving metropolis and a work of art.” ––Molly Soffietti (Historic Preservation Planning, Cornell University)

“Being involved with PHLF has truly been an amazing experience. I was able to see the incredible efforts that are being taken to revive the once-booming and bustling city and neighborhoods. Before this internship, I had no interest in Pittsburgh and its architecture and thought of it as a once-great city whose days were numbered. But PHLF showed me the true value of the historical significance of this city and how great it really is. The downtown districts and the surrounding neighborhoods full of different cultures and ethnicities really make Pittsburgh a unique city. The team at PHLF is truly a family that is so dedicated and driven to save the culture and heritage of the Pittsburgh region. It has been an honor to assist an organization that recognizes the power of preservation in keeping the community’s homes and stories alive for future generations.” ––Andrew Hyatt (Historic Preservation/Architectural History, Savannah College of Art & Design

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633