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Thank You, Interns

Michael Jacobs, Tom Lucy, Marc Patti, and Nicole Slaven volunteered with PHLF from January through April/May 2019, assisting with educational programs and archives management. We thank each of them for their time and assistance as they pursued their undergraduate or graduate requirements.

Tom Lucy, who graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in April 2019, participated in an Architectural Design Challenge with PHLF as a middle school student in 2009-10; his interest in architecture and historic preservation began then. On April 4 and 5, he returned to his former high school in Monessen to help judge PHLF’s 23rd annual Architectural Design Challenge. While there, he visited the school library and found that the model he and his teammates constructed in 2010 showing a new use for a vacant bank building in Monessen was still proudly displayed.

Michael Jacobs, Nicole Slaven, Tom Lucy, and Marc Patti summed up their experiences with PHLF as follows:

“I learned about the crucial role that PHLF plays in educating students about preservation and future career opportunities and in preserving a record of the region’s architectural heritage through its archive and library collections. I was fortunate enough to help in both areas by assisting with school tours and career awareness programs and by working on collections and inventorying.” ––Michael Jacobs (University of Pittsburgh, History/Museum Studies)

“I greatly enjoyed my time with PHLF! It was wonderful to learn about what makes the beautiful city of Pittsburgh great, and to educate others about the city’s important history. Assisting with city tours and in-school presentations for Pittsburgh Public School students has helped me learn about education, programming, and engaging the public. My time at PHLF was truly irreplaceable. I met and worked with accomplished professionals and learned skills that will help me in any future career!” ––Nicole Slaven (Duquesne University, Public History) 

“One of the most remarkable things about working with PHLF is seeing how preservation touches all manner of people, whether it’s a third grader first realizing the value of his historic school building, a senior citizen reminiscing about a long-gone landmark she used to work in, or a developer earnestly interested in taking history into account on a new project.” ––Tom Lucy (University of Pittsburgh, Architectural Studies, Preservation Track)

“Between January and May, I helped archivist Lauren Eisenhart-Purvis re-organize several groups of records within the PHLF archives. Under Lauren’s instruction, I also crafted finding aids unique to each of the re-cataloged record groups. Volunteering as an intern at PHLF helped me apply the archival theory and techniques I learned at Duquesne in a professional setting and made me more confident in my ability to practice as a Public Historian after graduation.” ­­––Marc Patti (Duquesne University, Public History)

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633