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Scottdale Revitalization Committee Studying Designs for Borough Signs

By Rachel R. Basinger
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Last updated: 7:10 am

The Scottdale Town Center Revitalization Committee is studying the prospect of designing signs for the downtown area of the borough that will help direct visitors as well as provide historic information.

Jim Pallygus, chairman of the board of directors for the STCRC, told council Monday the committee was hoping to put about $3,900 toward the purchase of street signs, historical signs and possibly other types of signs throughout the borough.

“I was hoping we could get permission to begin designing some of the signs, such as the logo, the font, the size, etc., and then when we have something concrete we would bring it back to you for your input or recommendation,” Pallygus said.

Councilman Andy Pinskey presented a motion that requests the STCRC committee work with members of council’s public services committee and then come back to council with recommendations.

In other business Monday, council appointed Michael Mlay to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Pinskey voted against the appointment. Mlay will finish the term of Scott Miller, who recently resigned. The term expires May 1, 2011.

Mlay said he and his wife moved to Scottdale in 2008. He is a high school teacher in Greene County, and his wife is a teacher in the Ligonier Valley School District. He said they moved to the borough because it was a central location to both districts.

“We looked at all the different local communities, and what drew us to Scottdale was the parks,” he said. “There are so many that are so close, and they’re all so beautiful and so nice.”

Because this is now his home, Mlay said he and his wife plan to stay here and want to begin getting involved and setting down roots.

Resident Duane Huffman also had sent the borough a letter of interest about filling the vacancy, but he was not present at the meeting.

Because he was not in attendance to talk about his interest in the position, the majority of council voted to fill the spot with Mlay.

Pinskey said he voted no because Huffman didn’t have the opportunity to talk to council.

Because of the death of Mayor Chuck King’s wife, Nellie King, on Sunday, members of council recessed the meeting after public comment so they could visit the funeral home to give their condolences.

The meeting was recessed at 6:45 p.m.

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