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PHLF Continues to Chair the Allegheny County Historic Properties Committee

December 7, 2004

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation continues to chair the Allegheny County Historic Properties Committee, which met recently under the new administration headed by Allegheny County Manager Jim Flynn. The Allegheny County Historic Properties Committee agreed on the following mission statement:

The Historic Properties Committee is a unified effort of private citizens and public employees to maintain and return significant properties owned by Allegheny County to their original prominence and grandeur in addition to restoring pride in our civil structures. The Committee is to consist of
residents of Allegheny County with an interest in and knowledge of the restoration of architecturally significant structures and historic landscapes owned by Allegheny County. It is to advise the County on plans that the County may have for restoring, improving, remodeling its historic structures to protect historic exteriors and significant interior spaces.

The Committee’s duties are, but not limited to, the following:

1. Review all proposed work that affects the historic architectural fabric of Allegheny County properties and special historic landscapes.

2. Provide assistance to County officials in the preparation of capital budget requests that pertain to Historic Properties.

3. Raise additional funds to aid Allegheny County restoration efforts. For example, the Committee may seek private funding to conduct analyses to determine historic colors, to acquire appropriate historic lamp fixtures, to pay for the special construction cost or plant materials that could be added to a proposed County work effort.

4. Suggest to the County work that might be considered in future capital projects for which special fundraising by the Committee could occur.

5. Engage in a as-needed review process of proposed work to County-owned historical properties. The County will submit the capital budget for proposed historic structure improvement projects to the Committee for its review. The Committee agrees to review promptly all projects, bring appropriate expertise if needed at its own cost, and formally approve the projects with any suggested changes.

6. The Historic Properties Committee will be self-sustaining in its own operations.

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633