National Negro Opera House Nominated for City Historic Structure
On Monday, October 22, 2007, the Historic Preservation Commission received a nomination for 7101 Apple Street – National Negro Opera House to be a City Designated Historic Structure.
Nomination affords the property protection against demolition, and mandates that all exterior changes to the building be reviewed by the HRC.
These protections are temporary until/if the HRC, Planning Commission, and City Council vote to approve the nomination.
The Historic Review Commission will make a preliminary review of this nomination at its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 2007.
This hearing will be held after 12:30 PM in the Commission Hearing Room on the first floor of the John P. Robin Civic Building at 200 Ross Street, Downtown.
At that time, the Commission will make a preliminary determination about whether there is reasonable cause to believe that the nominated property will meet the criteria for designation listed in the preservation ordinance.
All members of the public are invited to attend.
Please feel free to call Katherine Molnar, Historic Preservation Planner, at 412-255-2243 or email Katherine.molnar@city.pittsburgh.pa.us if you have any questions.