Mexican War Streets May Grow
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The Mexican War Streets Society next month will present its proposal to expand the historic boundaries of the Central North Side district.
The society submitted its nomination to the National Register of Historic Places late last year and awaits a decision by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Historic Preservation. The upcoming public meetings are part of the nomination process, said Greg Mucha, a board member of the society.
The state bureau manages the National Register of Historic Places for Pennsylvania, which has recognized the Mexican War Streets since 1975. It has been a city historic district since 1972.
Expanded federal recognition would not effect the boundaries the city recognizes.
The Mexican War streets, whose original developer fought in the Mexican War and names streets after battles and genderals, now extend one block north from North Avenue o North Taylor Avenue, and four blocks west to east from Buena Vista Street to the west side of Sherman Avenue. The proposed expansion would go north to Armandale Street and include part of Carrington Street, Charlick Way and Reddour Street.
Mike Eversmeyer, a preservation expert who until recently chaired the city’s Historic Review Commission, has done the application paperwork for the society. He will present the proposal April 9 at the Central North Side Neighborhood Council’s general membership meeting at 7 p.m. at 1310 Arch St..l and April 17 at the Mexican War Streets Society’s general membership meeting at 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church on North Avenue.
Mr. Mucha said the proposed boundaries are rough because demolition has left parts of some streets without enough historic fabric to be included.
“But we erred on the side of inclusion and decided to leave it up tot he state” to do the pruning” he said.