Life Re/framed: A Walking Tour
Date: Friday, October 11, 2013
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Registration required: tour is limited to the first 20 registered participants.
Meeting location: first-floor vestibule, Carnegie Library’s main entrance: Schenley Drive Extension, Oakland.
Contact Miguel for reservations: 412-622-3151 or miguel@carnegielibrary.org
Where is the beauty in our everyday life––the inspirational colors, patterns, forms, and textures that greet us daily to inform our experience of life?
What objects do we care for, take care of, pay attention to?
When does a shared heritage end and a specific tradition begin?
What is Pittsburgh made of?
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Main, in collaboration with the University Art Gallery (UAG) of the University of Pittsburgh, offers this opportunity to take a(nother) look at our sense of community on a thoughtful afternoon walk in two of Oakland’s most spectacular historic landmarks.
“Building Art”: Marilyn Holt, Head of the Pennsylvania Department, will present the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and illuminate some of its original architectural inspirations and various transformations in serving the community since 1895.
“Built-in Art”: Isabelle Chartier, Curator of the University Art Gallery, will present the exhibition “Re/discover: the Collection revealed”––currently running through October 19 in the Frick Fine Arts Building (located across the street from the Library)––revealing some of the (approximately 3,000) works of art that form the permanent collection of the University of Pittsburgh, founded in 1787.
We’ll explore how historic and aesthetic considerations collide and collude in our shared use/s of space/s and individual appreciation/s of the physical world in which we move about and contextualize our selves; and how dedicated (and oftentimes unsung) conservation and preservation efforts are both necessarily persistent and infinitely redeeming, simultaneously echoing and challenging our cultural heritage.
We hope to inspire you to frame every day as a work of art, and every work of art as a reflection of a day.