FREE Sunday Walking Tours in September Feature Five City Parks
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation, and Allegheny Commons Restoration Committee are teaming up to offer Free Park Walks every Sunday in September, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
The tours will focus on the natural beauty and historical significance of Schenley, Frick, Highland, and Riverview Parks and of the Allegheny Commons. Special attention will be given to recent restoration accomplishments and plans. One tour will be offered at each park:
Sunday, September 2: Schenley Park
Meet at the Schenley Park Visitor Center, 101 Panther Hollow RoadSunday, September 9: Frick Park
Meet at the Frick Environmental Center, 2005 Beechwood Boulevard,
Point BreezeSunday, September 16: Highland Park
Meet in the entry garden, near Highland Avenue and Reservoir DriveSunday, September 23: Riverview Park
Meet at the Visitor Center in Riverview Park, off Riverview Avenue, Observatory HillSunday, September 30: Allegheny Commons
Meet at the bus shelter on the corner of Cedar Avenue and East Ohio Street, North Side
Reservations are not required but are appreciated: 412-471-5808, x527; marylu@phlf.org
Tour Guidelines: Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Only the Allegheny Commons Tour is handicap accessible. At Schenley, Frick, Highland, and Riverview the walking tours will proceed at a leisurely pace, but will involve steps and uphill and downhill climbs, at times.
About the Sponsoring Organizations:
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, in partnership with the City of Pittsburgh, is working to restore, renew, revitalize and preserve the four great parks of Pittsburgh––Frick, Highland, Riverview and Schenley.
The Allegheny Commons Restoration Project works within the Northside Leadership Conference to raise funds to implement the master restoration plan completed by Pressley Associates of Cambridge, MA in 2002.
The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation, founded in 1964, works to identify and protect architectural landmarks; revitalize historic neighborhoods, and instill community pride.