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Fifth-Forbes Update

The Plan C Task Force, charged with developing a plan for the revitalization of the Fifth and Forbes corridor, delivered its list of recommendations to Mayor Tom Murphy. In mid-March President, Arthur Ziegler and Director of Operations and Marketing, Cathy McCollom sat on the Plan C Task Force since its initiation some 18 months ago. The Task Force has met weekly and after careful and detailed discussion developed a new blueprint for the revitalization program for Fifth and Forbes.

In early April, Mayor Tom Murphy announced a plan of action for moving forward based on Plan C Task Force’s recommendation. The Mayor issued a Five Point Plan:

1. Issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) through the Department of City Planning, seeking a private development partner;

2. Begin development of a financing plan that includes the prominent participation of a private development partner;

3. Direct the Department of Engineering and Construction to begin a major infrastructure investment project in the Central Business District with particular focus on the $8 million reconstruction of Forbes Avenue, Smithfield Street, and Market Street to compliment the reconstruction of Fifth Avenue and Wood Street;

4. Direct the Urban Redevelopment Authority to expand the Façade Grant Program, as well as to create new loan programs to allow existing buildings and tenants to improve the condition of their businesses and attract new businesses to the corridor; and

5. Direct the Bureau of Building Inspection to undertake a strict and aggressive building code enforcement program on properties in the Central Business District.

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation is pleased with the Mayor’s response to the Plan C Task Force recommendation. Much of the recommendations offered by Plan C reflected the earlier plan proposed by architectural firm Erhenkrantz, Eckstut and Kuhn, and submitted to the Mayor by Landmarks.

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation supports the work of the Mayor and hopes to see the Plan C recommendations put into action. We were pleased to be able to assist in this process.

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633