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Category Archive: Preservation News

  1. African-American Cultural Center Design Competition

    The proposed African-American Cultural Center of Greater Pittsburgh has authorized an Architectural Design Competition for a new building to be erected in the block of Liberty Avenue between Smithfield Street and Cherry Way. Part of the block serves as a parking lot where the old Nixon Theatre once stood, and several buildings of the late 19th Century stand there including the Bartek Tailor Building of 1876 and the Romanesque Zimmerman Building of around 1890.

    The three architectural firms that had been invited to compete are the Freelon Group of Durham, NC Ai of San Francisco, and Moody Nolan of Columbus, OH.

    The president of Landmarks, Arthur Ziegler, has briefed the group about the quality of the remaining buildings and expressed the desire that they be retained in whole or in part or in some way respected and memorialized as
    part of a dramatic new building. He also pointed out that across Cherry Way are a triumvirate of early modern Art Deco buildings: the Federal Reserve, the Gulf Building and the Koppers Building.

    The Center has written into the guidelines the request that the historic preservation concerns be taken into account, with the explicit request that “the conservation and/or preservation of existing buildings on the site be
    specifically addressed.”

  2. South Fayette tries to balance growth with its rural roots

    By Patrick Ponticell
    Pittsburgh Post Gazette
    Wednesday, April 23, 2003

    South Fayette wants to be extra careful as one of the few Allegheny County municipalities retaining a largely rural character to balance the pros and cons of economic growth.

    It is pushing for industrial and commercial development via a tax-exemption strategy. But it also plans to contract with a historical preservation organization to ensure that a tract of farmland owned by the township doesn’t become just another large, cookie-cutter housing subdivision.

    The prime property in question is the old Boys Home near Oakdale, and Commissioner Sue Caffrey is leading the preservation charge.

    Although conservation-minded (she’s a member of the South Fayette Conservation Group and the Allegheny County Farmland Preservation Board), she is not slamming the door on the idea that part of the 214-acre tract could be devoted to residential development.

    “I’m very open to a variety of uses for the property, from total preservation to partial development and partial preservation,” she said. “But under no circumstances do I want to see that property developed 100 percent.”

    South Fayette will work with the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation to reconcile the competing forces of conservation and economic development. The township will have ultimate say in what happens to the property, with the foundation providing expertise to help township commissioners make informed decisions.

    Most of the tract is leased by the township for farming, Caffrey said. Portions have been farmed at least since 1899, when it became an orphan asylum. Within a year, it became the Boys Industrial Home of Western Pennsylvania under the Rev. John McCleland serving troubled boys with discipline or crime-related problems.

    By 1905, the Boys Home site encompassed almost 400 acres. Schooled on-site, the youths farmed the land and raised chicken and livestock. A gym was built at an undetermined time and has interesting architecture worth saving, foundation president Arthur Ziegler said. Although the gym needs major repair, Caffery said the foundation hopes to find a new use for the building.

    The Boy’s Home was closed by the state Department of Welfare in 1972, and the property was acquired by the Wesley Institute in 1980. As far as Caffrey can verify, that organization sold the property to South Fayette in 1987 at a cost of $725,000 for 321 acres.

    Between 1987 and the early 1990s, the township sold several parcels for residential housing and some land to adjoining homeowners.

    “The question has always been, what are we going to do with the property?” Caffrey said. “Instead of making an impulsive decision, I thought it much better to take a more proactive approach and look at all the possible uses for the property before determining its best use.”

    Caffrey sent letters last year to several regional and national preservation groups to gauge their willingness to help with site planning. The Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation indicated interest. The foundation will cover half of the project cost, the township the other half.

    “We’re just trying to help the community get a good conceptual plan,” Ziegler said. “It’s unusual for a community to have this kind of foresight and values.” He described the tract as “beautiful Western Pennsylvania countryside.”

    The first order of business is to assemble an advisory committee with representatives from the township, South Fayette School District and the foundation. Ziegler said he hoped to have the committee formed within a month.

    Patrick Ponticell is a freelance writer.

    This article appeared in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. © Pittsburgh Post Gazette

  3. Group Works to Save Only Surviving 18th Century Stone House in City of Pittsburgh

    April 14, 2003

    Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation, in conjunction with the Hazelwood Initiative, Inc., Doug Shields from City Council District 5, and the Urban Redevelopment Authority, are working to preserve the Woods Home, an important historical site located in the Hazelwood section of the city.

    The group is submitting an application for Save America’s Treasures to the National Parks Service which, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, administers this grant program, the purpose of which is to preserve the nation’s cultural heritage. Grants for preservation and/or conservation work on nationally significant historic structures and sites are awarded through a competitive process in amounts of up to $1 million.

    Doug Shields, former administrative assistant to Councilman Bob O’Connor and acting administrator for District 5, said, “We are grateful to Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation for funding a preliminary structural review of the Woods Home. It is an important community asset and we hope that the Save America’s Treasures funding will allow us to rehabilitate the structure.”

    The Woods Home, built of cut stone, is one of only three surviving 18th century structures in Pittsburgh, the other two being the Fort Pitt Blockhouse at the Point and the Neill Log House in Schenley Park.

    “The house is in pretty bad shape now,” said Arthur Ziegler, President of Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation, “but the structural analysis undertaken by Landmarks Design Associates does show that it is still possible to restore the structure, and because of its significance as a rare survivor of late 18th century architecture this makes it worth while to continue to explore funding mechanisms to rehabilitate it.”

    The site is already designated as an Historic Landmark by the City of Pittsburgh and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

    The Woods family, at one time wealthy and socially prominent, were the pioneer landowners in Hazelwood. The vast extent of the Woods holdings may be imagined when it is stated that the original area embraced all of the land between “Frankstown” at Second Avenue and Forward Avenue in Glenwood, extending from the river to Squirrel Hill. The first survey of Pittsburgh was made in 1784 by Colonel George Woods; the present Wood Street in downtown Pittsburgh honors him. George Woods, the Colonel’s son, was a prosperous lawyer who in 1792 built the estate he called “Hazel Hill.” Hazelwood, in fact, received its name from him.

    While the Woods Home is important in terms of Pittsburgh’s history, the home has national significance as well. According to research conducted last year by Bob O’Connor, at the time Councilman for District 5, it was found that Stephen Foster, recognized as America’s first professional composer, spent a lot of time there in the mid-1800s. He apparently wrote or performed a number of his most famous songs at the Woods House. The Woods family piano is now housed at the Stephen Foster Memorial in Pittsburgh.

    The deadline for the Save America’s Treasures grants is May 20th. The group is also exploring other funds and a sustainable use for the building.

  4. Buffalo, New York Launches Preservation Planning

    The Buffalo News recently reported that the Mayor of Buffalo, Mayor Anthony M. Masiello, has created a committee to devise a citywide plan for preservation that will launch with inventory of the city’s historic buildings and recommend a broader, more community-based approach to preservation. The committee also will work on a strategy for cultural tourism and for improved relations with real estate developers.

    Mayor Masiello credits this new appreciation of preservation to a new program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation which launched last June with Buffalo city hall representatives, preservationists, architects and developers visiting with members of the preservation community in Pittsburgh. The exchange was hosted by Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation and underwritten by the National Trust.

  5. County Executive Jim Roddey Commissions Historic Bench Reproduction

    Executive James C. Roddey recently commissioned an historic reproduction bench to be placed in the Courthouse public areas. (Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation underwrote the first). The bench, designed by Jerry Wilson of Wilson and McCracken, Lawrenceville, will be etched with Mr. Roddey’s name. It is hope that the County Executive’s commission will spur others to participate as well.

  6. New Markets Tax Credits

    We are pleased to announce that Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation recently received notification the National Trust for Historic Preservation has been allocated $127 million in New Markets Tax Credits.

    There will be a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 15, 10:00 a.m. to Noon at Manchester Citizens Corporation, 1319 Allegheny Avenue to review the status of our New Markets Tax Credits allocation. Please R.S.V.P. your attendance to Cathy McCollom in our offices at 412/471-5808 ext. 516. For more information you may visit and click on New Markets Tax Credit.

  7. PHLF & Riverlife Task Force

    Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation, President Arthur Ziegler is Co-chair of the Riverlife Task Force Lighting Committee with Councilman Sala Udin. The Committee was appointed to follow up our recent lighting of the Roberto Clemente Bridge (previously known as the Sixth Street Bridge). Lit in mid-November, the design and installation was underwritten by Duquesne Light and Zambelli provided spectacular fireworks. The lighting was designed by Grenald Waldron & Associates of Philadelphia in association with the Hal Hilbish of Hilbish McGee in Sewickley.

  8. Questions arise over use, management of Main Street TIF money

    By Jim Hosek,
    Tri-State Sports & News Service
    for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette
    Wednesday, March 26, 2003

    A $1.5 million county loan to jump-start so-called “Main Street” revitalization of the Homestead/Munhall/West Homestead business district could be in jeopardy.

    At issue is who will manage an annual $100,000 allotment from The Waterfront’s multipurpose Tax Increment Financing program.

    Allegheny County said it would give the three boroughs a $1.5 million advance toward a larger multimillion-dollar business district project. The $1.5 million, in the $100,000 annual allotments, would go for the Main Street corridor.

    The county and the three boroughs had picked the Steel Valley Enterprise Zone Corp. to handle distribution of Main Street money.

    But, besieged by some questioning of the plan, Munhall council last Wednesday withdrew its support from the corporation. Homestead council is considering doing the same thing on Monday. West Homestead council is not considering such action.

    Allocation of $100,000 annually is clouded by how many streets are covered in the Main Street corridor.

    In that regard, it’s not clear whether the money can be used for projects on 6th and 7th avenues in all three boroughs.

    The 1998 Main Street agreement signed by county and borough officials refers to money going to the Main Street corridor, then later mentions only State Route 837, which is 8th Avenue.

    Elisa Cavalier, general counsel of the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation, said the $100,000 annual payments should not cover 6th and 7th avenues.

    “The Main Street agreement says 8th Avenue only,” she said, adding that if there have been any decisions regarding the Main Street fund, they have not been made publicly under the state Sunshine Act. “This process should be democracy in action, and it’s not.”

    Cavalier said a procedure for administering the annual $100,000 fund should be worked out and made public. She said other groups besides the enterprise zone corporation should be able to put together proposals for using the money; bid solicitations should go out, if necessary, for services; and audits should be done.

    She also questioned the enterprise zone corporation’s proposal for coordination and administration of the fund: $18,000 for itself through Starrett & Associates; $8,500 to Mon Valley Initiative; and $8,500 for the Homestead-area Economic Revitalization Corp.’s Main Street manager.

    Homestead council President Evan Baker said his council is having Solicitor Bernard Schneider look into administration of the Main Street fund. Maybe it should be handled by a government agency, Baker said.

    He admitted the TIF meetings haven’t been advertised, but maintained the information is public. He said the Sunshine Law is a concern.

    Baker said he had been under the impression the county’s $1.5 million loan using TIF money was approved, “but, now, I’m not so sure.”

    But he defended the plan. He interpreted the Main Street corridor to mean 6th, 7th and 8th avenues. “Anything good that happens on 6th and 7th benefits 8th. And it’s our feeling that if we take that money up-front instead of just using $100,000 per year for small projects, the community will be better served; $100,000 doesn’t go very far.”

    West Homestead council President Dan Isaacs said his council has no questions about the way anything is set up or interpreted.

    Jim Thomas, the enterprise corporation president, said anyone could have come to his organization with proposals on how to use the money. He said he feared that if other organizations make proposals, with so many people having cross memberships on other local boards, it would cause disunity and delay any proposed projects.

    He said his organization has been able to accomplish millions of dollars in improvements since it formed 10 years ago.

    “We want to fix up the area that makes sense in relation to The Waterfront, and that includes 6th and 7th avenues, too,” he said.

    Thomas and Baker defended TIF money going toward administrative fees.

    Copyright ©1997-2003 PG Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    This article appeared in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. © Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

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