Bell tower repairs at courthouse to be made soon
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Work is expected to begin shortly on two of the four bell towers that ring at Allegheny County’s historic courthouse, Downtown.
Driving wind and rain from the remnants of Hurricane Ivan in 2004 damaged masonry joints on the two towers nearest Ross Street, said Joe Olczak, county maintenance director.
County maintenance workers did temporary repairs, but the damage requires more expertise than that team has, he said.
The selected contractor will clean out the mortar between the joints and replace it with sturdier material, Olczak said.
Because bids have not yet been open, specific cost information cannot be made public, said Megan Dardanell, a county spokeswoman.
The project was provided for in the county’s 2006 capital budget under roof repairs, however.
Once the contract is awarded, the contractor has 90 days to complete the project.