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Stanley Lowe

July  24, 2009

On Saturday, July 18th, PHLF was informed that Stanley Lowe, long the Director of the Manchester Citizens Corporation as well as a former employee of PHLF, was abducted from his Manchester home, severely beaten, repeatedly stabbed, and forced to an ATM machine to withdraw money. Fortunately, he was quickly discovered, and was taken to Mercy Hospital.

Stanley’s family said, “Stanley’s condition continues to improve, and his recovery is progressing better than expected. As his recovery is ongoing, however, we ask everyone to please continue to honor the family’s request that Stanley be allowed to recuperate in private.”

Stanley has been discharged from the hospital and is recuperating. He appreciates everyone’s interest and asks for time to recover from his multiple wounds. We are pleased to report that one of his alleged assailants is now in custody.

We are providing two links to an excellent editorial from the Pittsburgh Tribune – Review in support of Stanley and a Tribune – Review article on the capture of one of the suspects.

The Tribune-Review is published by Richard M. Scaife, who first supported our organization in the 1960s in our efforts to begin the Manchester Restoration program. As a teenager, Stanley became involved and subsequently led that program for many years. Just recently he returned to Pittsburgh from the National Trust to work with us on revising the Manchester Restoration plan; we are to present it to the City in August.

Mr. Scaife feels that Stanley’s years of work in Manchester should be honored and he should be encouraged to continue those endeavors when he recovers. To that end, the day after the attack on Stanley, Mr. Scaife made a major personal donation to our Manchester Restoration program in honor of Stanley and to let him know that we want to see him back on the job, leading this work that is so important to Stanley and to our community.

Stanley is our friend of over 40 years, the leader of restoring Manchester, and is in our view the leading African American preservationist nationally. We will continue to provide updates.

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633