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Thank You, Summer Interns


Amanda Seim, Lauren Jasper, and Maria Brown volunteered with PHLF’s education department this summer.

Three talented young people––Maria Brown, Lauren Jasper, and Amanda Seim––volunteered with PHLF’s education department this summer, assisting especially with tours, presentations, and publications.

“Maria, Lauren, and Amanda offered important edits to our new guidebook, Exploring Pittsburgh: A Downtown Walking Tour, and constructive feedback on our Free Friday Walking Tours. In addition, Amanda created and led a neighborhood walking tour of East Liberty and Lauren and Maria planned and developed materials for a new school tour featuring a group of Pittsburgh places named for famous people,” said Executive Director Louise Sturgess. “We were able to accomplish so much more with their help, and we thank each of them for spending time with us.”

Maria, Lauren, and Amanda added these comments about their experience with PHLF during the summer of 2018:

Through my time going on tours, assisting in the development of a new tour, and producing and editing written works, I acquired skills useful for my career path and knowledge about Pittsburgh’s history and architecture. I also gained an understanding of what kind of place Pittsburgh is for its people and how those people will create and protect their city, my new home. Thank you PHLF for the privilege and experience of being a summer intern! ––Maria Brown (Davidson College, English)

This summer, I gained a new level of understanding about the city that I love. As an aspiring architect, it was great for me to learn about the characteristics that make Pittsburgh buildings unique and beautiful. –– Lauren Jasper (The Ellis School)

My experience at PHLF has really impressed me with how important educational programming is in bringing local history to life and instilling community pride. I’ve been able to see firsthand that once people know more about the history in their surrounding environment, they care more about it. ––Amanda Seim (Duquesne University, Public History)

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633