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Thank You, Interns

Catelyn Cocuzzi and Lydia Strickling, both from Duquesne University, and Lauren Henry from Point Park University, completed volunteer internships with PHLF, from January to mid-April 2018. “We are always grateful to have the help of young people who are interested in history and knowledgeable about Pittsburgh,” said Executive Director Louise Sturgess. All three interns helped with various educational programs. In addition, Catelyn and Lydia inventoried hundreds of color slides taken by William Rydberg of buildings designed by Henry Hornbostel, and Lauren completed a tour script for our Firstside Area Walking Tour in October.

The interns summed up their experiences with PHLF as follows:

“In the time that I spent working with PHLF, I was reintroduced to the beautiful city of Pittsburgh. As a native of this city, I have taken its beauty and history for granted, but this organization and its mission has opened my eyes to all that it has to offer, both historically and culturally. I am beyond grateful for PHLF’s preservation efforts and the opportunities that it has provided me with.” ––Catelyn Cocuzzi (Masters in Public History, Duquesne University)

“One of the most valuable things I gathered from my time with PHLF is how important it is to pass down and share historical information with younger generations. There is so much to learn when looking at Pittsburgh history and it was amazing to be able to share some of that with elementary school students. They were always engaged and excited to learn about the past, which was so great to see. Learning history can be both fun and interactive.” ––Lauren Henry (History, Point Park University)

“My internship at PHLF was a very valuable experience. Not only did I get to see another side of the field of public history, but I also learned a ton about my hometown. Thank you to everyone at PHLF for this great opportunity!” ––Lydia Strickling (History, Duquesne University)

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633