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Thank You, Interns

Three graduate students from Duquesne University’s Public History program assisted PHLF’s education staff from late August into December 2017: Lauren Eisenhart-Purvis, Katherine Millard, and Caroline Mount. They took part in PHLF’s downtown walking tours, school tours, and educational programs (including architectural design challenges and a poetry and art workshop), and completed a major archival project and developed a new walking tour of downtown’s Firstside that PHLF will debut in 2018.

“Our staff enjoyed getting to know Lauren, Katherine, and Caroline and were so glad to have their involvement in our work. Thanks to their research skills, interest in historic preservation, and knowledge about best practices in archival work, they were able to help with many tours and make more reference materials in our James D. Van Trump Library available to our members and friends,” said Louise Sturgess, Executive Director of PHLF.

Our Duquesne University interns summed up their experience with PHLF as follows:

I greatly enjoyed my internship with PHLF. I was able to do a mix of educational and archival work, which gave me a variety of skills and experiences to take with me into my future career. I rehoused photographs from the Buildings of Western PA Research Collection, and was able to work with renowned architectural historian Lu Donnelly to better preserve her collection and make it more accessible to researchers. I also assisted with several tours and educational programs, which taught me a lot about the history of Pittsburgh and its environs. It was amazing to see how learning about architecture got both students and adults concerned about and involved in their communities. Through my internship, I gained archival and educational skills, as well as practical knowledge about the city of Pittsburgh. I believe that this combination will serve me well in my future career in one of Pittsburgh’s public history institutions, and am excited to apply what I learned during my internship to my studies! –– Lauren Eisenhart-Purvis

During my time with PHLF, I not only absorbed the history of this remarkable city, but I also learned how to effectively communicate its significance to visitors and natives of all ages. I am so grateful for the opportunities I was afforded during my internship. ––Katherine Millard

I enjoyed the opportunity to not only educate learners of all ages about the history and architecture of Pittsburgh, but also to be educated on the skills and experiences essential to the field of historic preservation and education. ––Caroline Mount

We thank Lauren, Katherine, and Caroline and wish them success in their careers.

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633