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Thank You Fall Interns

Eight college and graduate students assisted PHLF with its educational and historic preservation activities in the fall of 2011, incorporating their interests in urban planning, history, religious studies, interior design, photography, and cartography. They helped create a database for PHLF’s National Register Downtown Districts project; created GIS maps identifying the locations of our Historic Landmark Plaques; assisted with educational programs for the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh Charter School and Brookline community, and attended walking tours and Historic Review Commission meetings, among other activities.

We thank:

  • Katherine Barbera, University of Pittsburgh
  • Jennifer Laskowski, Art Institute of Pittsburgh
  • Brandon Pinsker, University of Pittsburgh
  • Daniel Rowley, University of Pittsburgh
  • Steve Salas, Point Park University
  • Malina Suity, University of West Florida
  • Katrina Van Meer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Abby Wolensky, University of Pittsburgh

As a result of their experiences with PHLF, volunteer interns add to their portfolios, gain an appreciation for Pittsburgh’s history and architecture, and develop an awareness of the economic, social, and cultural benefits of historic preservation.

Comments from our fall interns include the following:

  • “My experience with PHLF inspired me to study public history and historic preservation at the graduate level. PHLF works to preserve the past, but they also strive to create continuity with the future. Their education programs help children form personal connections with the city’s cultural and architectural history. By knowing more about the buildings they see every day, these kids learn how important history is. It’s not just the city’s history anymore; it becomes their history.” ––Katherine Barbera
  •  “I have learned to better appreciate the city of Pittsburgh. I liked the opportunities to go and explore the city and help teach others about Pittsburgh.” ––Brandon Pinsker
  • “PHLF gave me the opportunity to use my education in cartography to create a Historic Landmark Plaque database and maps for several educational programs. The walking tours and educational programs I participated in expanded my knowledge about Pittsburgh and the importance of historic preservation.” ––Katrina Van Meer
  •  “What I enjoyed most about interning at PHLF was learning more about the city around me. Going on tours and working on projects allowed me to feel more comfortable in the city and with my choice of major.” ––Abby Wolensky
Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633