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Meaningful, Relevant, Educational Programs

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High school students on an architectural tour of Carnegie Mellon University

Year-round, PHLF offers a variety of educational programs that bring the Pittsburgh region’s rich history and architecture to life for people of all ages and abilities.

PHLF involves more than 5,000 people each year in learning about the region’s significant architectural heritage through guidebooks, illustrated lectures, tours of city neighborhoods and surrounding communities and a host of other special events.

In the process, participants develop a sense of hometown pride, learn to value diversity (because it’s the different styles and ages of buildings that make a city distinctive), and have the chance to imagine, inquire, investigate, explore, create, and share.

We are able to offer a full range of meaningful educational experiences because of the generous contributions we receive from many foundations and donors. Our work is aided by a terrific group of docents who volunteer more than 2,000 hours each year to lead tours and to present lectures.

For more information about our ongoing events and programs, see the Tours & Events section to see our calendar of programs through the year.

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

100 West Station Square Drive, Suite 450

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-5808  |  Fax: 412-471-1633