Bus Tour: Visit the Flight 93 National Memorial and See Historic Bedford, Pennsylvania With Us
On September 24, 2002, little more than a year after a United Airlines plane was hijacked by terrorists and crashed into a field in Somerset County, PA, the U.S. Congress passed an act establishing a memorial at the crash site, designating it the final resting place of the flight’s passengers and crew.
Design of the Memorial was determined in 2005 through an international competition that drew entries from 48 states and 27 countries. Finally completed in 2020, the memorial is comprised of four elements: the Wall of Names, Memorial Plaza, the Tower of Voices, and a visitor and learning center. Our tour will take us through the entire 2,200-acre site, where memory, landscape, and history are preserved. The program will include a presentation by a ranger from the National Park Service (which owns and staffs the site) and will take place largely outdoors.
Following our comprehensive tour of the Memorial, we will take a drive through historic Bedford and stop for lunch at the Jean Bonnet Tavern, located on the Historic Lincoln Highway. Constructed in the 18th century and placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979, the building has served as a public tavern and inn, as well as a private residence. It also was the meeting place for a group of farmers involved in the Whiskey Rebellion in the 1790s. We will return to Pittsburgh from the restaurant.
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